Buena Nueva
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Buena Nueva
Aguila candente
sol cosmico
padre si tu hijo
viene a buscarme
tocada por la queda
de sus dos manos
con el me ire
hasta que suene
la buena nueva
de brillo
de manana.
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hasta que en la
pureza del alma
nos amemos
y en una comunion
de verguenza
o cuerpo
al Creador
en silencio.
A Luz
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A Luz
Que haces
en las puertas afuera
de la vida
que esperas?
que te pasen
todas las primaveras?
y tu sin tomar
con tus dos manos
tu rosa que plantaste
de color de alborada
alla en el cielo
Con tus musas
de color de arco iris
que piensas?
en una gota de agua?
haz tu marca
en el pais
de los ensuenos
de las aspiraciones
de las almas.
Click play below to listen to Nelly’s Music.
I cried because
the gray liar machine
has claimed as
his patrimony
Working in my illusions
of love and almost had me
turned into a Robot
like a colorless glass
the repetitious act
of relentless habits
lessor than I am
tried in me the lesser
and the forever minus
A Child
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A Child
A child is a mirror
a prism
a rainbow
seven colors
that’s he
a crystal
magic child
whose smile
changes everything
To his magic
we bow
for he stands
in the now
We can see
through his eyes
through his glow
if we want we can see
what he sees when he squints
He sees
the promised land
in everything
The New Child
Click play below to listen to Nelly’s Music.
The New Child

I awoke
to a titillating morning
within the walls
of my chest
my heart awoke
in that awareness
was a child
inside its soul
A child-man
with dreams
sleep walks
feels, remembers
he once was God
Within my chest
the heart does know
in a new sense
that in the now world
there are children-men born
They feel
they are all linked
to one another
in a God-ness like
Child like
there is no
amongst them
all near they are
in this Bethlehem
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I am waiting
I have always been waiting
When the inspiration
runs and plays
on my illusions
and I see
fleeting lights
winking at me
I follow
where they take me
to a note
by the wind
Sweet Peas
Click play below to listen to Nelly’s Music.
Sweet Peas

For the sweet peas
and roses
their array of colors
and their fragrance
thank you Lord
and for the capacity
to feel
what they birth
in my heart
I thank you more
Click play below to listen to Nelly’s Music.
Oh my glittering heart
stands and stares,
picking and sorting
snipping thorns
from their faces
so loved so dear.
Click play below to listen to Nelly’s Music.
Dry are the lilies
and the pond
the fishes gone
Oh brother Wind
Oh cousin Snow
All is quiet today
Oh father Sun
Oh brother lake
Oh cousin April
Oh sister May
all is waiting
to birth